Canine Rescue Teams consist of highly trained dogs and their dedicated handlers. These teams are invaluable assets to search and rescue, utilizing the dogs' keen senses of smell over long distances, acute hearing of sounds not detectable by humans, and drive to please their handlers to locate individuals lost or missing in a variety of terrains and in adverse conditions.

El Dorado Search and Rescue's Canine Team consists of dedicated handlers who own dogs that are State Certified. Successful missions of the EDSAR Canine team have:

A trained El Dorado Search and Rescue handler and canine search team hang from El Dorado County Sheriff's helicopter Echo 1

An EDSAR trained Canine Search handler and dog team hang outside a rescue helicopter

Training for handlers covers the following topics, of which they must demonstrate a thorough understanding:

The canines must demonstrate unwavering focus without being distracted by people, animals, or noises in their surroundings. Training includes:

EDSAR Canine Teams undergo a series of testing to become certified in their selected discipline. Ongoing training is required to maintain certification and assure the canines are duly responsible for carrying out the search function.

EDSAR Canine Team disciplines currently include:

El Dorado Search and Rescue Handler conducts consistent obedience training with positive reinforcement to maintain the canine search dog’s high motivation

Consistent obedience training with positive reinforcement maintains high motivation

El Dorado Search and Rescue Trailing dog tracks scent, directing handler along the identified scent path

Trailing dog track scent, directing handler along the identified scent path

El Dorado Search and Rescue HRD dog meticulously search for remains in the debris of wildfire-ravaged structures

HRD dog meticulously search for remains in the debris of wildfire-ravaged structures

Any highly driven canine with the right temperament can be trained to be a search dog with proper discipline, dedication and training. Training generally takes two to three years for initial certification and is rigorous – not for the faint at heart.  The job is tough, but the rewards are great.  We strive to bring your loved ones back to you and your family!

Image of two hands holding a red heart that has the logo for El Dorado County Search and Rescue with text at the bottom in red that says "CLICK TO DONATE"

EDSAR's Canine Team undergo rigorous training to maintain their peak performance and ensure their readiness to respond to emergencies that save lives.

Your donations will help offset our Canine Team's ongoing costs of advanced training programs and certification fees, ensuring our canine heroes are always prepared for their next mission.