Grants are the fuel that power El Dorado Search and Rescue, providing us with vital funds to acquire essential equipment, train our volunteers, and respond to emergencies effectively. Without the generous support of grant organizations, our ability to save lives would be significantly diminished.
We encourage grant-making organizations to email to learn more about our funding needs and how their support can make a difference.
We're deeply indebted to the many grant organizations that have contributed to our mission. Their support has been instrumental in our success.
The El Dorado Community Foundation plays a vital role in strengthening El Dorado County by connecting donors with community organizations to address local needs and foster a thriving community. We are deeply grateful for their generous 2022 grant of $61,000 towards the command vehicle and trailer for our Incident Support Team and 2023 grant of $1,717 for rope rescue equipment for our South Lake Tahoe Team.
The Latrobe Fund, established in 2019 by two local philanthropists, strengthens El Dorado County's non-profit sector through vital grant funding. We express our sincere thanks for their ongoing support, which has enabled the following:
2019: $18,000 matching grant towards our South Lake Tahoe Team's Polaris General and trailer.
2022: $18,000 for our Drone Team's thermal imaging drone for nighttime operations.
2024: $16,000 critical equipment grant our Technical Rope Rescue Team.
The Dave & Cheryl Duffield Foundation is a private charitable foundation known for significant contributions to animal welfare through Maddie's Fund and support for military veterans, community initiatives, education, and social services. Our sincere thanks for their generous $15,000 grant in 2021 which equipped our Animal Technical Rescue Team with a vital stock trailer and essential equipment.
Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation partners with donors to support charitable giving to strengthen the Tahoe region. We extend our sincere thanks for their generous $15,000 grant in 2023 to equip our South Lake Tahoe Team with vital winter gear.
Thanks to the Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority and the Tahoe Douglas Visitors Authority, our South Lake Tahoe Team received a $5,000 grant in 2022 and $1,500 grant in 2024, made possible by the donations from the American Century Championship tournament.
The Tahoe Women’s Community Fund, a philanthropic leadership organization, unites women in collective giving to strengthen the Tahoe community. We extend our sincere thanks for their generous 2023 grant of $5,000, ensuring our South Lake Tahoe Team has the necessary equipment for winter operations.
Thanks to a grant from the Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI), a Homeland Security Grant Program funded by DHS and administered by FEMA, 10 members of our South Lake Tahoe Team will receive three days of crucial rope rescue training in 2025.