These news clippings represent a snapshot of the many search and rescue operations conducted by El Dorado County Search and Rescue. Our team responds to a wide range of emergencies. These headlines offer a glimpse into the critical services we provide to our community.

KTVN 2 NEWS video story about El Dorado County Deputies and their Search and Rescue team and helicopter rescuing a hiker stuck above Angora Lake
Tahoe Daily Tribune news story about an injured hiker rescued from Lake Aloha by El Dorado Search and Rescue (EDSAR) and the El Dorado County Sheriff's helicopter Echo 1
FOX40.COM news story titled El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office launches first aerial search and rescue unit, an Airbus H125 named Echo 1, which will be used primarily for search and rescue
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE NOW NEWS story about an injured backcountry skier rescued from Lake Tahoe's Jake's Peak by El Dorado County Search and Rescue and California Highway Patrol Air Operations Rescue
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE NOW VIDEO NEWS story about El Dorado County and Douglas County Search and Rescue using skis and snowshoes to hike in and extract an injured back country skier
LAKE TAHOE NEWS story about El Dorado County Search and Rescue surging with unprepared wilderness rookies. The image shows rescuers in the water transporting a person on a rescue raft.
LAKE TAHOE NEWS story about El Dorado County Search and Rescue training turning into a recovery of a kayaker.
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE NOW VIDEO NEWS story about El Dorado County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue responding to rescuing a woman from cliffs above Emerald Bay NEWS article about the California Guard and El Dorado County Search and Rescue conducting high-flying rescue exercises that includes hoisting lost individuals by helicopter
Image of two hands holding a red heart that has the logo for El Dorado County Search and Rescue with text at the bottom in red that says "CLICK TO DONATE"

The all-volunteer members of El Dorado Search and Rescue train tirelessly and bravely, putting themselves in harm's way to save lives.

We depend on donations to cover the costs of specialized equipment, expert training, and operational needs. Your generosity directly enables us our readiness and effectiveness to respond to emergencies and protect our community.