Search Management
The El Dorado County Search Management Team is proud to utilize some of the most effective automated search management tools in the state of California, integrating computer, GPS, trackers, radios, mobile phones and aerial drones. Our task is extremely rewarding but demands a high level of ongoing training in the various technologies.
Search Management has two primary functions:
Our primary mission is to ensure the safety of all of our searchers in the field during a SAR mission 7 X 24 X 365 in any type of environment or weather.
Management provides “Overhead” support to our field Teams by running the search, planning the search, and effectively and efficiently using our people to resolve a search situation as quickly as possible, because “A Search is an Emergency.” We provide Operations, Planning and Logistics support for the rest of the EDSAR Units during missions, whether it be in an urban area, or high mountain winter environments.
A majority of our senior staffers have trained and attended specialized SAR courses, including the State of California Office of Emergency Services “Command and Control of the Search Function,” Winter and Summer safety operations training in the field, “Managing the Lost Persons Incident” training, and the prestigious U.S. Air force and U.S. Coast Guard’s “National Search and Rescue School,” which is essentially the same school attended by U. S. military SAR Teams.
Most of our other EDSAR Units have people who also work search management, which allows us to integrate their specific skill sets and knowledge with ours, depending upon the type of search being conducted; from looking for folks lost in the wilderness, those lost or missing in larger cities, or an evidence search, where we are employed to gather and provide field intelligent for the Sheriff’s Department.
Utilizing Plans, Operations and Logistics ensure liaison and continuity with search units, document search operations, brief personnel, interview sources of information, maintain the status of situations, debrief teams, maintain communications, arrange transportation, and keep everybody dry, fed, and safe.