Big Day of Giving 2022
Each year El Dorado Search & Rescue Council pays for trainings and purchases new equipment to help El Dorado County Sheriff's Search and Rescue field teams stay up to date, ready to save lives and provide the public with the most effective personnel and resources available.
The goal of the El Dorado Search & Rescue Council is to continue to make a difference in the lives of others. With the help of donations from supporters such as you, it will allow us to continue with our mission in helping the public.
We are a nonprofit organization that anyone can make a charitable contribution to. If you want to support search and rescue in El Dorado County, the El Dorado Search & Rescue Council will use your contributions to fund equipment, training, and public education for search and rescue.
Technical rope and Swiftwater equipment purchase and replacement. In 2022, we hope to raise $22,308 to replace aged Dry Suits for the Swiftwater Team Members.
Radios, Repeaters, Drones, and Field Capable Laptops need a vehicle or trailer capable of getting to remote searches. In 2022, we hope to raise $290,000 to replace our 25-year-old command trailer with a new response vehicle.
Our South Lake Tahoe Team is looking to maintain its current high-volume response. Field Ready Laptops and Software can direct field teams to cell phone locations. Accessories for the new all-weather Utility Vehicle can assist a swift and comfortable response for stranded or injured hikers. Technical climbing gear, winter gear, and water gear need replacement per schedule.
El Dorado Search and Rescue is looking for volunteers in the field and in support positions to plan, manage, and support our incidents.